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Caernarfon Castle - Entrance Pavillion


HL Structural Engineers worked closely with Cadw for a new visitor centre and associated facilities for this Scheduled Monument and World Heritage site. In working through this process we have built good relationships with the local authority and integrated conservation services as well as Cadw’s interpretation team, head archaeologist  and local residents.


The new modern structure sits independently within the existing archway of the King’s Gate entrance and the Old Hall site, complementing and contrasting with the existing ancient structure as well as the modern pedestrian footbridge, whilst improving access for all visitors to the castle.


The structural design included minimal foundations to avoid disturbing existing archaeology on the site and had no fixings to the existing walls making the intervention reversible. The striking structure included stainless steel framing and structural glass roof beams to draw visitors’ attention to the historic fabric as they enter the Castle.


The project was delivered on time and on budget and opened to visitors in the summer 2015.

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